Major AF Comp

Main features

High hardness and resistance to abrasion.
Working times optimization
Versatility of the filling materials use
Excellent aesthetic results

Anteriors moulds

  • 10 upper shapes in three different sizes: S (small) – M (medium) – B (large)
  • 4 lower shapes L

High Anatomic Posteriors A
High anatomic moulds present an accentuated cuspidal inclination (between 25° and 31°). The morphology of anatomic moulds shows permanently “in touch” surfaces with a consequent decrease of lateral thrust and an
increased prosthesis stability.
Technical Posteriors T
Technical moulds are designed with a balanced occlusing plan following
specific geometrical rules.
The tooth has a cuspidation with a geometrical inclination superior to 20° and flat sliding plans.


The new MAJOR AF COMP follows the mounting philosophy according to Prof. Albert Gerber, the palatal cusp of the upper 5th, 6th and 7th tooth occludes in the respective fossa of the lower 5th, 6th and 7th tooth; in the 4th tooth this occlusion is reversed. The term WFA (Wide Functional Area) indicates the type of occlusion done during the mastication, when not only one point of contact is affected but a large functional
area of around 2 mm. The wide fossa allows a large spectrum of occlusal contacts without interferences.

The MAJOR AF LINE is a veneering system made of a line of composite
multi-layer facings and teeth complemented with a range of light curing materials specifically designed to obtain life-like restorations on implant prosthesis.

The acrylic facings, in composite materials, have been developed to match natural aesthetics with functional concepts. They may be used in combination with the MAJOR AF line of cements, bonding agents, light curing composites and acrylic resin materials for characterization of aesthetic implant restorations.

Composite and acrylic multi-layer aesthetic facings. Available in 14 anterior moulds and 8 posteriors moulds (right and left). The Major AF Comp posterior facings are available in a range of Anatomical Technical and WFA moulds.
A1-D3 shade guide.

Sale formats
  • T6111 – Anterior set – A1-D3 x6
  • T6112 – Posterior set – A1-D3 x4