Ormaplus LV Normal 90+90 ml.
Main features
- Technical Standard: ISO 4823
- Mixing Time: 30″
- Working Time (at 23°C): 2′ 00″
- Intraoral Setting Time: 3′ 30″
- Setting Time (at 23°C): 5’30”
- Recovery from deformation: – 0,25%
- Elastic recovery: 99,7%
- Strain in compression: 4%
ORMAPLUS LV is a light wash material specifically formulated to reproduce even the smaller impressions details: thanks to its light consistency, Ormaplus LV is able to fit into the narrowest impressions areas without any dripping from the teeth.
ORMAPLUS LV colour creates an optimal contrast between wash and tray materials allowing to perfectly read any detail of the impressions.
ORMAPLUS LV is very easy to use due to the long working time combined with a fast setting time in the oral cavity, reducing discomfort for the patients.
Setting times
Ormaplus LV NORMAL
Mixing Time: 30″
Working Time: 2’00”
Intraoral Setting Time: 3’30”
Setting Time: 5’30”
Sale formats
M3015 – Ormaplus LV Regular 90 + 90 ml.